Based off of a singular image on the steam board for D:BH that really got me thinking - eventually it turned into an entire fanfic! He could have become Death, destroyer of worlds. Synopsis: One month, two days, nineteen hours and ten minutes after the end of the revolution the DPD are called to an android homicide; the victim: a YK500 child. Synopsis: After an argument with his new partner, Gavin Reed wakes up five years in the future married to an android who won't stop making fucking waffles. He is a paraplegic and seems to have other unnamed medical conditions, so Markus acts as his nurse and assistant. He runs into a couple surprises along the way. He also gets a glimpse of something else, but androids feel no emotion. cover is from daniellatlas on tumblr. The author has a way with words that truly drags you into the story, and creates a fascinating portrayal of what happens before and after the revolution. When the day came, Hank was still in a coma, and nobody remembered about the 15th of August. Carl Manfred was born . Hell, he didnt even know what kind of flowers they were. Comment: Featuring Connor bonding with the rest of Jericho via an upgraded LED. Elijah Kamski wants a child, Carl Manfred wants a custom android, Leo wants loving parents. Synopsis: Freedom doesn't last for a month before Connor is back to investigating deviants. Now, he's thought of his actions and has become a little less pretentious. Your tiring, but simple job, was shattered when you were called to Captain Fowlers office and assigned a seemingly impossible task: to find the cause of android deviancy. But they were pretty so he just placed it on the coffee table. His second thought is Jesus Christ, CyberLife sent another one. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Date Aug 15, 2038. He's put Hank through one hell of a week, and he can't add this to the pile. A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Probably why I loved this fic as much as I did, while reading I was rooting for Gavin in general, found Running Uphill to both really good Connor/Gavin fic but great time loop fic too. sass queen Chloe ofc. Connor is one of the three main protagonists in Detroit: Become Human. Synopsis: Hank Anderson never expected to have anything pinned to his fridge again- not pictures or crayon drawings or homework assignments. Reed has his own issues to deal with though, as he struggles to deal with both old and new trauma. Synopsis: The FBI begins to infringe on Lieutenant Hank Anderson's investigation of the TV station hijacking, in the form of the newly established Deviant Science Unit. He finds inspiration and support from someone close to him. But in the middle of it all is Detective Gavin Reed, who is trying his damnest to keep androids from being integrated. The marvel of modern technology allowed Markus' speech to be broadcasted live, and Hank saw everything. Comment: The gradual increasing tension as Connor slowly goes insane in isolation is incredibly terrifying and heartwrenching all at once. ---aka a Stardew Valley AU. His mind was cold metal and white plastic. Connor is in an abusive relationship, he knows if he stays hell end up dead. An android was made between the making of RK900 and RK1000, but the public never knew. Which killer will slipup first? (In other words: violent androids fuck everything up, CyberLife has some dark secrets, the characters annoy each other). Synopsis: Connor stops mid-sentence, head canted to the side, and Hank just knows he's analyzing him through those shrew-narrowed eyes. he was running after an android murderer and suddenly became helpless. Jin was not sick. Hank wonders if the RK800 team at CyberLife can even figure this shit out, and they built him. A human psychologist who suffered brain damage in a car accident awakens with apparent false memories from another world. Oh, and what does one buy for a hard boiled, cynical Lieutenant anyway? Trying to avoid the military that had ruined their former home. Synopsis: This story picks up immediately after the success of Markus' peaceful revolution. Despite that, Hank's new partner couldn't say a word. Fall in love with your favorite characters from Detroit become Human- Connor- Hank- Kara- Luther- Gavin- Ralph- Markus. Comment: A very good (albeit short) fic wherein Connor takes care of Hank, instead of the other way around. ? Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. It could be easy. Falling in love with Connor wasn't part of his plan to redeem himself. Comment: Absolutely painful, but satisfying. Detroit: Become Human RP. Comment: A well-written, 27000-word complete oneshot story? ", a thousand million stars by anathebookworm, Your Face Is Frowning Oh So Thin (But The Corners Of Your Eyes Are Smiling) by A_M_Kelley, Break Me Slowly by ChangeTheCircumstances. Throw in a mysterious serial killer and you have a recipe for trouble. Justice and Freedom by @write-to-write-amirite. The title used to just be Found Family but I changed it because it was boring. Trying to be at least semi-respectful he gets to know her and her past, opening up about his own feelings against his will along the way. What he doesn't expect is the android tied up and bound to be someone he knows. Regular price 29,99. Hes snarky, annoying and gets on Gavins nerves. However, the PL600 named Simon didnt seem to have the same feelings. He did remember a name however, Alice. Synopsis: Connor has a long, winding road ahead of him in figuring out just who he is, but with Hank by his side, that road might be a little less curvy. The Jericrew + Kara + DPD gang fuck with Gavin for an entire day, and his dumbass can't figure out why. He tries again. Who the fuck knows. He expects some alcohol and stress relief. Detroit 2038. Language: English. No one in their right mind would want to go to Oregon but a game where you can shoot humans doesn't sound so bad. Cute, sweet, and soft, and exactly what you'll need for the next two recommendations. Synopsis: Hank decides it's his responsibility to embarrass Connor in any way he can. He twists his head immediately, and his first thought is what the fuck is Connor doing now? The AI that both guided and punished him is gone, but at a price, and he struggles with his newfound freedom when guilt and fear are the crumbling foundations of his new life. Synopsis: A little more than a week after the revolution, Hank wakes up to find Connor still doubting the extent to which he is actually free. No, not in the her being sick way. After her brother, Cole, died she's never been the same [ ON HOLD ] It is the year 2038. It's not one of the terrible, toothy ones Connor had given in their first days of knowing each other. Markus, a caretaker for an old, famous artist. Gray like everything Nines wasnt allowed to be.. Despite CyberLife chasing after him, he has conti (I didn't make any of these) Series. His RK is far more useful than he would ever have imagined, and they're closing cases in record time. - . Hank's gruff voice, his fists flying, his badge in jeopardy, for Connor. The young man stops mid-sentence when the disgruntled detective raises a single hand in front of him. Why?Nines didnt mean for the question to come off as so desperate. You don't feel." Comment: A very well-written twoshot taking place a year after the peaceful protests, but hate crimes against androids have been on the rise. Synopsis: Hank hates when Connor puts stuff in his mouth for instrumental analysis. Visit the Store Page. Disappointment. Any notable creators/writers/fanfiction sites. Florentine Scamander - daughter of Lysander Scamander, and the most professional Auror the Ministry has to offer - is experimentally as He'll take your heart and you must pay the price. Crimes against androids are now punished in the same way as crimes against humans. Its a simple equation, a pact, and Carl readily accepts to trade his firstborn child for an android of Elijahs design. "HI JAUNE!" Nora . The sticking point was that dead people didn't write letters. This is what Connor is so terrified to lose. Sunny summer days spent lounging on the porch, reading a book. No, mnot Because Jin was right, she is not sick. He doesn't realize he's making friends until North comes to see him. Nothing fucking changed. Couldn't recommend harder. What he's actually planning to do when he can no longer entertain himself by annoying Hank well, that's a bridge he'll cross when he comes to it. Completed. But now, there's a list- an important one, a reminder. They said androids were fast learners. Connor has just narrowly prevented Amanda from reasserting CyberLife's control over his programming. Synopsis: Connor doesn't know why he's doing this. Synopsis: Connor enjoys taking Sumo for his evening walks, enjoys the quiet, enjoys the river, enjoys the way Sumo eagerly tries to gain the affections of a certain golden retriever they always pass. Hank, meanwhile, just goes along for the ride. Synopsis: Hank decides to let Connor know he's part of his family, giving him an ID with his last name. His eyes meet Connor's with an expression that Connor has never been met with before. . (Detroit: Become Human) (1737) Deviant Connor (Detroit: Become Human) (1712) Not Beta Read (1679) Slow Burn (1534) Alternate Universe . Their reactions were always different from what I usually expected from a human. Synopsis: There's nothing wrong with the smile. Synopsis: Gavin goes to hang out with some of his anti-android buddies. Part 1 of Connor's Path. Synopsis: What Hank told them was this: Connor had a choice and he chose the power of good. A machine was still a machine, no matter how fancy its program. Community. Comments: This is an AU where Connor is programmed to feel pain. Set in a world where merfolk are magic but not myth, Princess Ada is to be crowed Queen of the seven seas. Temporarily. Yes, I got the title from . Discover a love story of a teenage boy and a teenage girl. Giving one forceful yank of the barrel Hank pulled it free and the result was Connor involuntarily jerking up slightly, his back arching as if in extreme pain, and he let out an eerie gasp that sounded incredibly human. An RK1700 military AU exploring the nature of deviancy, spooky machine love and the high price of freedom in a pre-rev world. All he did was watch Nines with those gray, gray eyes, not gray like the empty ocean of ones and zeroes that was Niness mind palace, but gray like the mediary between the stark whites and blacks of his jacket. Synopsis: The origins are the same. What will they find? "That must be Jaune!" Nora called out, jumping up and nearly knocking over Ren. It claims it feels fear and distaste and anger, then relief after its owner had been brutally stabbed twenty eight times and left to rot. the remaining 10% is worth turning into a deviant for, 5 Times Gavin Receives Kindness and +1 Time He Tries To Give It Back, loading emotional database (thank you for your patience), Your Face Is Frowning Oh So Thin (But The Corners Of Your Eyes Are Smiling), I will become yours and you will become mine. Take a plot twisting adventure with Y/n and Hank, maybe a certain android will join. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Work Search: Detroit: Become Human One Shots by Lost in the Stars 1.1M 29.6K 34 One shots involving Connor, Markus, Daniel, Luther, Simon, and Ralph from Detroit: Become Human. Synopsis: Connor gets a glimpse of 'JERICHO'. Detroit: Become Human. What- Jin, no- thats not- Andrs just says, cutting himself of a couple of times, clearly caught off guard by what Jin had said. Mostly gen. Alternate title: I Don't Know, I Didn't Think I'd Get This Far. Amanda's attack on Connor didn't go unnoticed. If you like dad!Hank, badass Connor, and a truckload of Connor whump, this one's for you. But something had latched itself to his voiceto himand wouldnt let go.Reed didnt answer for a long time, or at least what felt like a long time. Comments: This fic is a breakdown of the scene where Connor. He could have joined the machine uprising. The RWBY cast React to For Want Of A Knight by Aravas. They speak, move and behave like human beings, but they are only machines serving humans. Sequel to Project Dawn. Connor, a special investigator prototype with a mission to find deviants. Step away from this book if you're an innocent child, please. Too little, too late by agonizingsingularity, It Was Never About Jealousy by ChangeTheCircumstances, Empathy (and other dead weight) by CynKLBouns, 5 Times Gavin Receives Kindness and +1 Time He Tries To Give It Back by Lady_Origami.