UABs Spring Break which was due to begin on March 16 was extended until March 24 and students were instructed to not return to campus until further notice. August 1983: The UAB Conference Center was renamed the Carrie D. and Don V. Marshall Conference Center. In recognition of the gift, The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees renamed the department as the Barefield Department of Criminal Justice, the first named academic department at UAB. The collection will be displayed and used by the university's Arts in Medicine (AIM) program and the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts. Poet Nikki Giovanni was one of the guest lecturers. The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems group is responsible for the inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of all Hospital heating and cooling systems. June 9, 1974: Catherine Steinmitz Amos received her O.D. November 5, 2004: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute and the Institute of Oral Health Research as official research centers at UAB. He was the chief of the UAB Police department. UAB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and family-friendly environment in which all faculty and staff can excel and achieve work/life balance irrespective of race, national origin, age, genetic or family medical history, gender, faith, gender identity and expression as well as sexual orientation. May 1, 2005: The Campus Recreation Center opened. December 2020: UAB adopted the Okanagan Charter, becoming the first higher education institution in the US to adopt the charter and become a member of the Health Promoting Campuses Network. The awarding ceremony was held in UAB hospital. February 3, 2006: The UAB Center for Glial Biology in Medicine and the Center for Nanoscale Materials and Biointegration were approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. The university's new song was included in the December 13 commencement ceremony. Awards . January 1, 2011: Dr. Deborah L. Voltz became fifth dean of the School of Education. October 1973: The Division of Special Studies was established to coordinate non-credit courses, workshops, seminars, and conferences. Twenty-two students participated in the universitys first pageant, an official preliminary to the Miss Alabama pageant. 1945: Dr. Roy R. Kracke obtained three additional blocks of land adjacent to Jefferson-Hillman Hospital for the development of a medical center. 205-996-6374. October 1987: Mervyn H. Sterne Library was rededicated after the completion of a major expansion and renovation project. September 1963: The Medical College Faculty Council approved a request that all facilities in the Medical and Dental Basic Science Building be available to all students and employees without regard to race. April 8, 1997: Dr. William B. June 2021: Casey Dunn was named as the fifth head coach of the Men's Baseball team. 1997: Research grants and extramural funding in the School of Optometry exceeded $27 million, the largest amount for any optometry school or college in the world. November 22, 2014: Ameen Barghi, a double-major in the undergraduate neuroscience program, became the third UAB student to be named as a Rhodes Scholar. Favorite quote to live by: James 1:23. Total enrollment increased to 18,698 students. When Birmingham became home to the four-year medical school, the county gave the UA Board of Trustees both hospitals. June 10, 1994: Frank and Kathleen Ellis Ryals School of Public Health Building groundbreaking ceremony was held. Kidney Disease, 2018 Distinguished Service Award, UAB Medical Alumni Association It is his hope that with these studies, the physician workforce distribution issues can be addressed and access to care across the country can be improved. Dr. Nita A. Limdi was named as interim director. October 2, 1963: Joseph S. and Bertha Pizitz Smolian gave their home to the Medical Center for use as a cultural center. October 1973: Groundbreaking was held for the Physical Education Facility. April 2, 1987: Dr. Charles A. McCallum, Jr., became third president of UAB. Dr. Ada Long received the award for faculty. 1952: Construction began adjacent to the Medical Center on a new four-story adult education center, an administrative and classroom building to house the University of Alabama Birmingham Extension Center. June 3, 1979: Kathleen G. Andreoli became the first graduate of the School of Nursings DSN program, which had been instituted in 1975. June 2, 1943: The Jones Bill, Alabama Act 89, authorized an expansion of the two-year Medical College of Alabama to a four-year program and appropriated over $1.3 million for buildings, equipment, and maintenance. September 21, 1999: Drs. Dr. Medina was from Cuba. Medical Director, Telehealth; Co- Director, Home Dialysis, Co-Director, UAB Home Dialysis, Telehealth January 1, 2000: Dr. C. Michael Brooks became interim dean of the School of Health Related Professions. UAB competition began in the fall. 1968: Alabama Transplant Center was created in the Medical Center and served as the clinical center for all transplant activities at UAB. Library Director T. Scott Plutchak was named interim executive director. April 21, 1969: The Center for Developmental and Learning Disorders was dedicated. All rights reserved. February 8, 2008: The UAB Center for Urban Education was approved by the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. 1980: The Center for International Programs was established with Robert W. French as director. The five-year agreement began on April first. October 29, 1996: The Frank and Kathleen Ellis Ryals School of Public Health Building was dedicated. 2020: During the fall, UAB students in the Science and Technology Honors Program, in conjunction with the UAB Sustainability office, created a monarch butterfly waystation at the corner of 10th Avenue South and 14th Street adjacent to the university's new Honors Hall. 2007: A small island in the Palmer Archipelago of Antarctica was renamed Amsler Island in honor of UAB biologists Dr. Charles D. Amsler and Margaret O. Amsler who had studied the continent's marine biology for over three decades. 1973: University of Alabama Hospitals and Clinics was renamed The University of Alabama Hospitals. Wyatt Tee Walker. September 19, 1949: Alabama Act 596, the Wright-Boutwell Bill, which created The University of Alabama School of Nursing, was signed by Governor James E. Folsom. July 1962: Eye Foundation Hospital groundbreaking ceremony was held. January 24, 2002: Richard M. Scrushy and Andria Scott Hurst were confirmed by the Alabama Legislature as members of The University of Alabama Board of Trustees, becoming the first confirmed board members with undergraduate degrees from UAB. Dr. Hunt was the first female appointed to the medical school's full-time faculty. August 1, 2018: Finis E. St. John, IV, a member of the Board of Trustees since 2002, became the interim chancellor of the three-campus University of Alabama System. September 20, 1994: The Center for Industrial and Applied Research/Genesis Center received approval as an official UAB center by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. February 8, 2013: Harris V. Morrissette was elected to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. Dale A. The Point rises above an inlet on McMurdo Sound near McMurdo Station, the US Antarctic research center. The building will house 730 students and will become the university's first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver building. Davis, of Dothan, was a double major in Political Science and Public Relations. December 18, 2018: The UAB Blazers defeated Northern Illinois 37-13 in the Cheribundi Boca Raton Bowl before more than 22,600 fans in Boca Raton, Florida. The space at Legion Field would be used for three years until football operations were moved to an on-campus site. December 1987: UAB South opened in an International Park office building. . March 21, 1994: The Samuel Ullman Museum on 15th Avenue South opened as a UAB facility dedicated to Birmingham educational reformer and poet Samuel Ullman. June 9, 1958: The deed to the ten and one-half block expansion area was transferred to The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. 2007 Ben Friedman Award for Excellence in Teaching by an Intern Award March 11, 1971: The Center for Developmental and Learning Disorders was named in honor of former Alabama governor Chauncey Sparks. 1969: University Hospital General Services Building opened at 1809 5th Avenue South. 1996: Mary Ritchie became the head coach of the Women's Golf team. Dr. George W. Campbell was named first dean of the new College. September 6, 2018: A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the expanded School of Nursing Building. September 9, 1972: The Psychiatric Day Treatment Center was renamed in honor of benefactor William P. Engel. May 17, 1957: The Medical Center's chapter of Sigma Xi was installed in ceremonies held in the University Hospital Auditorium. 2016: UAB installed the largest solar-energy system in Birmingham atop the Campus Recreation Center. The universitys freshman class increased 14 percent to a record total of 2,299 students. Hospital Maintenance. 1974: Drs. 2011: Hal Messersmith became the inaugural head coach of the new Women's Beach Volleyball team. April 3, 2006: A dedication ceremony was held for the Richard C. and Annette N. Shelby Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building. AEIVA was opened to the public on the following day. 2007: Dr. Sarah Parcak, associate professor of anthropology, established the UAB Laboratory for Global Observations. April 8, 1902: Esther Turner Colston received a PhG degree from the pharmacy program of the Medical College of Alabama in Mobile. Janet Cash received the award for students. August 1, 1971: Effective on this date, the College of General Studies was reorganized as University College, an academic entity consisting of four academic schools: Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Engineering. Approximately 60 undergraduate and graduate students participated in the project with faculty advisor Dr. Hessam Taherian, assistant professor in the School of Engineering. 1965: Dr. Clifton O. Dummett of the Tuskegee Veterans Administration Hospital received a clinical appointment in the School of Dentistry, becoming the first African American member of the school's faculty. September 1972: University Hospital Outpatient Services Clinic was closed. October 11, 2000: Dr. Larry J. DeLucas presented the thirty-seventh annual Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "Space Exploration and NASA's Biotechnology Research Program.". 1931: Dr. Allan Walker Blair, a Canadian-born pathologist, received a full-time faculty appointment as an assistant professor of Pathology. Tony Jones became the ninth president of the University of Alabama Health Services Foundation. January 13, 2010: On a flight to carry a survivor of the earthquake in Haiti to a Miami hospital, UAB Hospitals Critical Care Transport (CCT) jet became the first US aircraft in five decades to make an official flight through Cuban airspace. October 24, 1964: Drs. The "Wonders of Alabama" collection contains over 265 oil, watercolor, and mixed media artworks collected by Energen between 1999 and 2015 as part of its juried art competition showcasing Alabama artists. April 1978: Bill Herron hired as the first head coach of Men's Tennis, a team scheduled to begin competition during the 1979 calendar year. August 13, 1946: President Harry S. Truman signed the Hill-Burton Hospital Survey and Construction Act, co-sponsored by Alabama Senator Lister Hill. March 1976: Ground was broken for University College Building No. Hospital Medicine Faculty. October 15, 1958: Dr. Richard T. Eastwood became executive director of University Affairs in Birmingham, reporting directly to President Frank A. April 2020: With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, UAB opened a COVID Respiratory Clinic for patients who had tested positive for coronavirus but who had not been admitted to a clinical facility and who had remained at home. Awards . Welcome to "UAB Hospital Laboratories LabSource" . September 2022: William Dahlberg became the executive director and General Manager of WBHM-FM Radio after having served in an interim capacity. 1973: UAB became Birmingham's second largest employer. May 11, 1973: A tornado struck downtown Birmingham in the area of 6th Avenue North. November 7, 1980: Dr. John R. Durant delivered the seventeenth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "People I Have Known.". Dr. Mona N. Fouad was named first director of the new center. January 15, 2014: The Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA) was formally dedicated. Key was the first trustee elected to the board following the establishment of the medical center in Birmingham. April 1987: Mickey Pizitz Memorial Pool opened as an addition to Spain Rehabilitation Center. August 2006: Hixson Hall, an on-campus residence that had opened in 1962, was closed while the future of the building was being determined by UAB administrators. November 11, 2012: The Office of Veteran Recruitment and Student Services hosted UABs first Wreath Laying Ceremony on Veterans Day. April 3, 1986: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees formally approved the UAB Epilepsy Center, which had been initiated in 1981. January 25, 1997: UAB Arena was officially rededicated as Bartow Arena. February 1977: UAB first celebrated Black History Month with a series of campus events, including lectures, film screenings, and dances. 1978: Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences contained 188,000 volumes and 2,877 journal subscriptions. March 2011: The UAB Bioethics Team was named champions of the 2011 National Bioethics Undergraduate Conference held in Durham, North Carolina. (Chair of the Board)PresidentUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham, Anupam Agarwal, M.D.Senior Vice President for Medicine and DeanUAB Heersink School of Medicine, Robert C. (Mike) BrockPartnerKirkland & Ellis, LLP, Dawn BulgarellaChief Executive OfficerUAB Health System, Mitchell B. Cohen, M.D.Professor and Katharine Reynolds Ireland ChairChair, Department of Pediatrics. 2001: A new student fan group for UAB Athletics, the Gang Green, was formed during the fall semester prior to the exhibition basketball game held on November second. 1963: Engineering students were first able to complete all four years of classes at the Birmingham Extension Center. Louis J. Dell'Italia and Ahsan Hussain were named co-directors of the new center. 1942: Dr. Raymond R. Paty became president of The University of Alabama and served until December 1946. Thomas C. Smitherman won first prize for his paper Distribution of Sucrose-C14 in Thyroid Tissue. Dr. James A. Pittman, Jr., was his faculty sponsor. June 1971: Six students received their Bachelor of Science degrees in Physiological Optics becoming the first graduates of the School of Optometry. June 7, 1970: Richard Charles Dale and Samuel William Sullivan, Jr., became the first African American graduates of the School of Medicine. Dr. Henry N. McCarl was named as the center's first director. February 14, 1955: "Candles in the Canebrake" was the first Town and Gown production held in its new home on South 26th Street. Buildings are divided into areas of responsibility for routine/general work called Blocks. May 11, 2015: UAB was named as a Comprehensive Stroke Center by the Joint Commission and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, the first hospital in the state to receive such certification. Dr. Craig A. Elmets was named first director of UAB's newest center. October 1963: Computer Research Laboratory opened in the former Life of Georgia Insurance Building. June 11, 1963: Vivian J. Malone and James A. January 8, 1980: A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Hulsey Center for Arts and Humanities. 2003: Construction began on Parking Deck No. 1955: Dr. Joseph F. Volker was appointed director of Research and Graduate Studies and continued as dean of the dental school. 1971: UAB's central administrative offices opened in the 7-11 Building. March 7, 1860: The first class of 15 graduated from the Medical College of Alabama after a one-year term. June 1, 2000: Bert Brouwer became dean of the School of Arts and Humanities. 1956: The Women's Club of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry was organized with Mrs. E. E. Evans as first president. June 6, 1950: William R. Anderson received a master's degree in pharmacology, the first graduate degree awarded through the Medical Center. Event Type. Librarians and Cancer Center staff shared work hours in the second floor library. July 30, 1965: VA Hospital Research Annex Wing groundbreaking was held. April 1974: A symbolic groundbreaking was held for the Lurleen B. Wallace Cancer Hospital. December 5, 1985: The Center for Macromolecular Crystallography and the Sleep/Wake Disorders Center were approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. June 23, 1995: Cell Adhesion and Matrix Research Center was established. (This film was also called Gangland). He and his wife are relocating to Alabama from Indiana. July 6, 2015: In a non-scientific online poll, UAB affiliates voted overwhelmingly to reinstate the name of Gang Green for the Official Student Fan Club of UAB Athletics. June 24, 1994: The Environment Awareness Research Technology and Health (EARTH) Center was established with Melinda M. Lalor serving as interim director of the new center. 1972: UAB Police Department formally organized. Dr. Arthur J. Tomisek was elected first president. It is only the second certified monarch butterfly habitat within the city of Birmingham. 2003 Medical Student Research Day, 2nd Place, Malaria Research 1966: The University Hospital School of Nursing, a diploma program, admitted its last class. March 27, 1969: Dr. Howard L. Holley delivered the sixth Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "And Gladly Teach.". . In 2003 the FBI would arrest an individual for the bombing of the clinic and for the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1996. May 1996: It was reported that UAB's economic impact on the local community was more than $1.55 billion for FY 1995, an increase of over $100 million since 1993 and more than double its 1985 economic impact. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICEErin Yarbrough, MBA Associate Vice President of Clinical OperationsCody Creekmore, MBA, RN Director, Hospital MedicineUNIT AND DIVISION LEADSBrandon Bringuel, MD Medical Director, UAB Hospital at HomeJoshua Burkhart, MD HSP3 Lead PhysicianAmy Cheng, MD HSP4 Lead PhysicianTeresa Cornelius, MD, MPH Night Lead PhysicianJustin Glasgow, MD, PhD, SFHM Associate Chief Quality Officer, SepsisGerman Henostroza, MD Global Health Fellowship Co-DirectorKim Kasparian, CRNP APP Education LeadJessica Kempton, MD Director, Integrated Practice ModelCourtney LoIacono, MSN, CRNP Advanced Practice Provider Manager/Lead Nurse PractitionerEmily Mai, MD HSP2 Lead PhysicianDavid McCollum, MD P9 Lead Physician, Clinical Director of Practice TransformationKyndal McKnight MD Central Venous Line Task Force; Medical Director, CVAT; Director, UAB Procedure ServiceJill Neely, MD Global Health Fellowship Co-DirectorLaura Nye, MD Interim Chief of Hospital Medicine, Director of HighlandsJames Oliver, MD Vice Chief Clinical OperationsTimothy Peters, MD Education Director, Physician Advisor for Care TransitionsAshley Smith, MD Quality Officer, UAB Hospital Medicine619 19th Street SouthBirmingham, Alabama 35249(205) 975-0512. 1979: Active extramural grants and contracts at UAB totaled $47,471,028. The full-time faculty hailed from twenty-six countries, the part-time from nine. February 14, 2007: Brian W. Mackin, a former Blazer baseball player and an alumnus of UAB, was named as the fourth Athletics Director at UAB. Clark was hired away from Jacksonville State University, where he led the team to a record season of 11-4 andthe NCAA Division I playoffs for the first time in school history. A native of what was then Czechoslovakia, Lazansky was the first international named as a divisional director at the Medical Center in Birmingham. May 1971: A groundbreaking ceremony was held for a classroom for the humanities (Humanities Building) and a library (Sterne Library). Blair had been an instructor at the two-year Tuscaloosa school since 1929. If you have any questions, please contact UAB Hospital Laboratories Customer Service at 205-934-6440. The service, which began with two vehicles, was available Monday through Friday at 40 predetermined locations around the campus. October 24, 1975: The Reynolds Historical Library was rededicated within the Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences. July 14, 2000: Ground was broken for the North Pavilion, a major addition and replacement facility for University Hospital. December 2, 2022: Trent Dilfer became the sixth head coach of the Blazer football team. February 17, 1995: Specialized Caries Research Center was approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. The established chapter of the medical-social fraternity had been moved from the campus in Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. In addition, room for future growth is designed into the area. . He . December 4, 2018: UAB announced a $30 million gift from O'Neal Industries that will transform the university cancer center and rename it as the O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB. April 1, 2017: Dr. John R. Jones, III, vice president for Student Affairs, became UAB's interim provost. Marie-Carmelle Elie (Emergency Medicine), James M. Markert (Neurosurgery), and Alan T. N. Tita (OB/GYN). 1910: Dr. Edgar Poe Hogan became the first Hillman Hospital administrator, serving in a part-time capacity until 1930. June 1, 1985: Dr. Sara Ruiz de Molina became second dean of Special Studies. 1989: The Smolian House and the Friendship House were sold by UAB. Wdowiak, who died in 2013, was a member of the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Project and operated the Mossbauer spectrometers onboard the Spirit and Opportunity rover missions. 1985: W. Grant Shingleton became UAB's third Sports Information director. September 1995: Jack Mott retired as president of UAB Walker College and was succeeded by interim president David Rowland. Chief Financial Officer at UAB Callahan Eye Hospital. 800.UAB.8816, UAB Medicine | 500 22nd Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233. July 30, 2007: Incoming freshman in the School of Medicine began class under a newly initiated curriculum organized around organ systems and called the Curriculum for the 21st Century.. 1958: The Faculty Wives Club of the Medical College of Alabama was organized with Mrs. Robert Berson as first president. April 1, 1997: J. January 2022: Upon the retirement of Doreen C. Harper, Dr. Linda Moneyham became the interim dean of the School of Nursing. . It 1972 it would officially be renamed as UAB Commedia. Senior Vice President for Medicine and Dean, UAB Heersink School of Medicine. June 16, 1969: Governor Albert P. Brewer announced the establishment of The University of Alabama System comprised of autonomous campuses in Tuscaloosa (UA), Birmingham (UAB), and Huntsville (UAH). A record crowd of 45,212 attended the return game at Legion Field. February 1973: A new university bookstore was opened after being moved from the basement of Tidwell Hall to a newly acquired facility at the corner of 15th Street and 8th Avenue South. January 22, 1987: Parkinson's Disease Association Information and Referral Center, established in 1986, was approved by The University of Alabama Board of Trustees. September 20, 2002: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees approved the UAB Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infections. April 15, 1974: Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby delivered the eleventh Distinguished Faculty Lecture, "Our Curious Cortex." August 12, 2017: Kevin Wang of Taiwan became the first international student to graduate through the INTO UAB program. Provides strategic oversight of patient operations for 5 UAB facilities totaling 1500 beds, 63 . Dr. Clifton K. Meador was named as the center's first director. UAB competed with 450 choirs from 60 countries. At this first graduation, 478 students received degress from the new university. August 21, 1966: North Wing of University Hospital was dedicated. June 14, 2017: UAB unveiled a partially completed two bedroom, two bathroom solar house, complete with a tornado safe room, designed and being built by students as part of the U.S. Dept. May 1994: President J. Claude Bennett organized an ad hoc committee to explore faculty governance possibilities on campus. July 15, 1903: Hillman Hospital was dedicated. 1995: The UAB Gospel Choir founded with 38 student members under the direction of Kevin P. Turner. June 14, 1977: Dr. S. Richardson Hill, Jr., announced that UCLA Coach Gene Bartow would become UAB's new Athletic Director and head coach of the Men's Basketball team. July 1, 1989: UAB's Dr. J. Dudley Pewitt, vice president for Administration, became the president of the Sun Belt Conference; he served until the end of June 1990. 2006: Kerry Messersmith became the head coach of Women's Volleyball. July 1966: Dr. John W. Kirklin was appointed chair of the Department of Surgery and surgeon-in-chief of University Hospital. The total extramural research grant awards received at UAB for the fiscal year was over $430 million. Dr. David T. Curiel was named as the first director of the center. 1963: The medical school's Division of Continuing Medical Education first offered continuing education courses to Alabama physicians. Dr. Michael Windle was named first director of the center. 1948: Dr. John M. Gallalee became president of The University of Alabama and served until 1953. The campaigns original goal had been $250 million. August 2016: UAB became the first institution in the State of Alabama to be recognized with the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. January 30, 2018: UAB broke ground for Proton International at UAB. Ranked No. December 5, 1976: WBHM-FM Radio broadcast for the first time as the 200th affiliated station of National Public Radio. Leo M. Hall and James E. Myrick obtained the first license from UAB for manufacture and sale of an invention produced at the university. UAB Recognizes Food and Nutrition Services' Hard Work. The college had a three-year course of study. October 25, 2013: UAB announced the largest philanthropic campaign in university history, The Campaign for UAB: Give Something, Change Everything, with a goal of raising $1 billion by the end of 2018. Foster Watkins became president of UAB Walker College. January 28, 1989: ESPN televised the mens home basketball game against UNC-Charlotte, the first national athletics broadcast from the UAB campus. January 3, 1965: Effective on this date, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited segregation in any healthcare facility receiving Federal funds. September 1965: Sarah Louise Fisher became the first African American student in The University of Alabama School of Nursing, then located on the campus in Tuscaloosa. September 17, 2021: Kenneth O. Simon was elected to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees. UAB Medicine was recognized as a Magnet-designated organization for the fifth consecutive time by the American Nurses Credentialing Center Magnet Recognition Program. June 2021: For the fourth time, UAB Medicine received the LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader designation for 2020 from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. University of Alabama at Birmingham. 1974: University of Alabama Medical Center Foundation, a non-profit corporation, was renamed the UAB Medical and Educational Foundation. October 2002: Blazer Hall, University Hall and the Garden Apartments were demolished in order to construct a student recreation center. Mrs. K. Lemone Yeilding elected as the club's first president. August 1971: The former Ullman High School was rededicated as UAB's Ullman Building, a facility comprised by the original 1901 school building and the school's 1955 addition. June 1981: Eight Avenue South was renamed University Boulevard. 1954: Matthew F. McNulty, Jr., was appointed administrator of Jefferson-Hillman Hospital. May 25, 2016: An orientation meeting was held for the new UAB Staff Council, comprised of 39 staff members from 21 departments across the units of the university. 1950: School of Practical Nursing, a nine-month program, was established at Jefferson-Hillman Hospital. 2010: UAB became one of the first two civilian hospitals in the US to host a US Air Force Special Operations Surgical Team (SOST). Bettye G. Wilson, associate professor in the School of Health Professions, was the associations first president. December 1991: UAB Clinic Inverness opened. June 30, 1995: A new university-wide Faculty Senate first met. . November 18, 2021: A virtual open house was held for UAB's new Mary Heersink Institute for Global Health. That same week, Coach Clark was also selected as Coach of the Year by Sporting News and as the National Coach of the Year by CBS Sports, the first time CBS Sports had selected the same coach in consecutive seasons.