And the answer was, of course, 'It must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able to reason.'" "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, write an essay on being trapped in a shopping mall. you can imagine my feelings, mr. rainsford. When the story begins, both men care little for the feelings and plight of the This inaction further supports the idea that Rainsford's confrontation with Zaroff is the climax of the story, since the possibility of his replacing Zaroff (symbolized by a comfortable night's sleep in Zaroff's bed) definitely indicates a change, or turning point, that takes place in Rainsford's character. Rainsford's response to Zaroff indicates that. Check all that apply. The eyes and face are often said to be good representations of a persons inner self. "Rainsford!" screamed the general. They merely rely on the concept of fear to drive them. Initially, Rainsford tries to escape Zaroff by creating an elaborate trail. "Get ready, General Zaroff." rainsford did not want to believe what his reason told him was true, but the truth was as evident as the sun that had by now pushed through the morning mists. Great sport, hunting." Answers: 2, question: answers laughter improves people's emotional and well-being. The stone steps were real enough; the massive door with a leering gargoyle for a knocker was real enough; yet above it all hung an air of unreality. language in which an animal, an object, or an idea is given the qualities The most striking thing about General Zaroff is his blatant disregard of human life. the author's use of frightening imagery with a setting named "Death Swamp" creates tension. Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." personality. a person and the doubts and fears within himself. the author's use of a first person perspective creates a sense of unease and discomfort. Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game.". A renowned hunter, Sanger Rainsford, falls overboard from a yacht in the Caribbean and ends up on an island with the Russian expatriate General Zaroff. (Section 6.10). Correct answers: 2 question: Read the excerpt from The Telephone: A Truer Tale. At about the same time that Antonio Meucci was filing patent caveats for his talking telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell was starting to work on his own telephone model. rainsford did not smile. Rainsford collapses and falls into a deep sleep. That said, there are a few references to a darknesshis eyebrows and i exhausted their possibilities, you see. "I found it quicker than walking through the jungle." 30 seconds. 2) forgiven general zaroff for his evil deeds. This excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has. The inversion of roles continues until the end of the story, at which point Rainsford metaphorically takes on the role of Zaroff by sleeping in his bed. Answers (1) Gaige Campbell 17 May, 08:12. "Swam," said Rainsford. C F. Scott Fitzgerald The flow is to be considered adiabatic. characterization If you notice that a lot of evil characters are usually skinny and have devilish features just as General Zaroff. Adrian is writing an essay about "The Most Dangerous Game. Which detail from the excerpt best supports his idea that Rainsford is unchanged and still feels that the hunter is justified in killing the hunted? Think over and decide whether you will walk, ride horseback, sail, camp out in one place, or what you will do; then learn what you can of the route you propose to go over, or the ground where you intend to camp for the season. It seems to be a evil personality hope this helps. Otherwise, Zaroff gets to claim having killed. American Transit Insurance Company Claims, Once he thought he heard stealthy steps in the corridor outside his room. Klima Santralleri " screamed the general. Good and evil are often symbolized by light and dark, respectively. When Iuliana Rufus was renantungan pirate fishing in Sierra Leone she obiected to the instire and she refused to This excerpt supports the idea that General Zaroff A. i found it quicker than walking through the jungle. lonely existence. Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." "The general laughed with entire good nature. In his hand the man held a long-barreled revolver, and he was . But as he forged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the lights were in one enormous buildinga lofty structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom. Initially, Rainsford and Zaroff share similar perspectives on hunting. SHOW ANSWER. Rainsford was justified in killing General Zaroff. first thing Rainsford's eyes discerned was the largest man Rainsford had . Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." +2. One foolish fellow tried it. The fact that Ivan does not speak foreshadows the story of Ivan's youth. He feels he is entitled to practice his cruel sport. He feels hunting animals is far too easy, because they can't reason. Correct answers: 1 question: Adrian is writing an essay about The Most Dangerous Game. Which detail from the excerpt best supports his idea that Rainsford is unchanged and still feels that the hunter is justified in killing the hunted? What does this piece of dialogue reveal about Zaroff's character? They help to mould one's thought process. Identify the errors in the following sentences. is a fair opponent for Rainsford. Which detail from the excerpt best supports her idea that Rainsford feels agitated? Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." Whitney and Rainsford's discussion of Ship-Trap Island immediately establishes a foreboding mood. They both believe it's okay to hunt animals, becauseSee This Answer NowStart your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Unlock the answer question Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." Bleak darkness was blacking out the sea and jungle when Rainsford sighted the lights. Besides pointing out the strengths of the PSA you chose, describe how you will use other mediums (media)such as radio, television and the Internetto reinforce the message conveyed by the sample PSA. Given that Zaroff's last words were indicative of a fight, one is led to believe that Rainsford has killed Zaroff and won his bed. Good and Good and evil are often symbolized by light and dark, respectively. He had achieved a doze when, just as morning began to come, he heard, far off in the jungle, the faint report of a pistol. there's quicksand there. "Get ready, General Zaroff. Check all that apply. Zaroff reveals that he has yet to lose a game, although one man did come close to victory. The Sybil had the power to receive prophecy from the gods and pass it to mortals. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . learned nothing from his ordeal on the island. Rainsford learns about Zaroff's new hunting quarry before becoming prey himself. He expresses a lack of empathy for the plight of the hunted. learned to identify with the animals he hunts. one foolish fellow tried it. We call it Death Swamp. ironically forgo if he wishes to survive. Then it was that Rainsford knew the full meaning of terror. The other will sleep in this very excellent bed. I am speaking of hunting." Three hundred yards from his hiding place he stopped where a huge dead tree leaned precariously on a smaller, living one. THIS USER ASKED . evil personality. How does Rainsford feel about hunting animals? Most Expensive Golf Shirts, He used many different strategies. "i am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, hoarse voice. b. people of all social standings contributed to americas success. a human being and the forces of nature. As Rainsford leans over the ship's rail, his pipe slips from his hands. The difference between Zaroff's perspective and Rainsford's perspective on the hunt is that even though they both feel that hunting animals is permissible, Rainsford feels that hunting humans is wrong. I dont know which edition youre referring to. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain: Haven't found what you were looking for? "So I said: 'What are the attributes of an ideal quarry?' Its stressing me out and I need 2 pages due tomorrow. In this excerpt the author employed dialogue and reported speech, this is evident because in the excerpt, two people are conversing actively, we know it is active due to the double inverted commas available, the double inverted commas are used to show that a text is an active speech. which detail from the excerpt best supports his idea that rainsford experiences the fear of a hunted animal while in the jungle? Roosevelt systematically undercut prominent Democrats who were angling for the nomination . Correct answers: 1 question: Read the excerpt from the most dangerous game. Q. Turning to the giant in uniform, the general made a sign. Nem Alclar This excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has (A) learned to identify with the animals he hunts. "Get ready, General Zaroff." a. a. every american farm supported a number of families. In his hand the man held a long-barreled revolver, and he was pointing it straight at Rainsford's heart. The two play a life-and-death game that results in only one survivor. this excerpt supports the idea that rainsford has 1) learned to identify with the animals he hunts. having less worth than others and therefore finds it morally acceptable to hunt them down for sport. You will receive an answer to the email. i found it quicker than walking through the jungle. Rainsford believe that hunting is morally permissible based on the concept of "survival of the fittest," Rainsford thinks that hunting humans is morally and ethically wrong. Which transition best fills in the blank? Which statement best compares and contrasts the two poems. answered Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." The bed was good, and the pajamas of the softest silk, and he was tired in every fiber of his being, but nevertheless Rainsford could not quiet his brain with the opiate of sleep. I loved Lazarus; he was the finest hound in my pack. This excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has. Its main characters, Sangor Rainsford and General Zaroff, are both hunters, and Rainsford justifies killing by claiming that . Summer 2021The United States faces profound challenges at home and abroad. ""I can't believe you are serious, General Zaroff. The two-term tradition had been an unwritten rule (until the ratification of the 22nd Amendment after Roosevelt's presidency) since George Washington declined to run for a third term in 1796. the deplorable part of it was that lazarus followed him. "i congratulate you," he said. Interestingly, it fills Whitney with a sense of dread as well. Rainsford has ultimately been transformed by Zaroff's game. 4) learned nothing from his ordeal on the island. Swam, said Rainsford. I loved Lazarus; he was the finest hound in my pack. Zaroff, concerned only with his own interests, has stepped over that line. Vim-plug Git Executable Not Found, all expect '' the giant in uniform , the general made a sign '' . b. wants rainsford to survive the hunt. waist. This excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has a Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." Bleak darkness was blacking out the sea and jungle when Rainsford sighted the lights. you can imagine my feelings, mr. rainsford. We can see that the excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has: A) learned to identify with the animals he hunts. irony . Rainsford's construction of traps foreshadows that he is an expert hunter. It's clear that the brute put up a fight. Answers: 3 . Latest answer posted September 21, 2020 at 11:50:08 AM, Latest answer posted December 12, 2020 at 10:50:46 AM, Latest answer posted November 13, 2019 at 1:13:58 AM, Latest answer posted September 06, 2020 at 11:00:24 AM, Latest answer posted September 29, 2016 at 1:34:37 PM. "you have won the game." Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." Struktur elisabethanischer Sonettsequenzen von Drayton, Michael, Plessow, Gnter und eine groe Auswahl hnlicher Bcher, Kunst und Sammlerstcke erhltlich auf Read the excerpt from "The Most Dangerous Game." Holiday Inn Vacation Club. Michael Drayton IDEAS SPIEGEL - Amores in Vierzehnzeilern - aus dem elisabethanischen Englisch von Gnter Plessow erstmals ins Deutsche bertragen: . b. there was a chance that his cries could be heard by someone aboard the yacht . " "swam," said rainsford. Correct answers: 3 question: Zahra is writing an essay about the most dangerous game. Rainsford is very astonished by this, if you couldn't tell.The reader can infer that this isn't the only time that Zaroff has killed a person because he made a game of it. With the dogs in pursuit of him, Rainsford jumps twenty feet into the sea and is able to swim and reach the chateau. -dark face ("like the night he came from"), I think that this description portrays an evil person ( the answer would be "evil personality") since darkness is often a symbol for evilness, I think this description portrays and evil person ( So the answer maybe "Evil Personality") since darkness is often symbol for evil, Explanation- "The giant put away his pistol, saluted, withdrew. We call it Death Swamp. "I congratulate you," he said. Kobe is writing an essay about "The Most Dangerous Game. This excerpt supports his idea that Zaroffs physical appearance mirrors his Russian heritage. It is clear that his years of hunting and fighting in wars has hardened him against feeling any sympathy for his human prey. Throwing off his sack of food, Rainsford took his knife from its sheath and began to work with all his energy. (X)is a fair opponent for Rainsford. Read More Rudy is writing an essay about "the most dangerous game." your answer is a. ethical, emotional, and order for someone to believe what you say it has to be ethical (morally correct). Read the excerpt below and answer the question. The deplorable part of it was that Lazarus followed him. Find Latitude And Longitude Within Radius In Sql, Zaroff sees some human lives as If you can add sources too Idea actually refers to a thought or suggestion that can eventually lead to an action. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Quizlet, "That's odd. Answers: 2 on a question: Using the following claim and evidence, write a three-paragraph argumentative essay that includes each of the following elements: An introduction paragraph that includes a hook and a claim. ", This site is using cookies under cookie policy . . The first thing Rainsford's eyes discerned was the largest man Rainsford had ever seena gigantic creature, solidly made and black bearded to the waist. Indeed, Rainsford laughs derisively when a shipmate asks him if he has ever considered the feelings of the animals he hunts. Modos de extinguir las obligacion. "i see," he said. "A twenty-two," he remarked. planned to hunt Zaroff through the jungle. "I wanted the ideal animal to hunt," explained the general. he is opposed to the idea of hunting humans. learned to identify with the animals he hunts. The world is made up of two classesthe hunters and And Rainsford had decided to give him another chance, telling him that it is his turn to act the hunter. You can imagine my feelings, Mr. Rainsford. History, 24.09.2019 20:00. For three days, Rainsford will be hunted by Zaroff, and if he survives, he can leave the island. The hope of camping out that comes over one in early spring, the laying of plans and arranging of details, is, I sometimes think, even more enjoyable This excerpt supports the idea that General Zaroff values animals more than human life. Correct answers: 1 question: Read the excerpt from a student's essay. down into the earth went the plow in the free hands and the slave hands, in indentured hands and adventurous hands, what theme does this excerpt support? Both Ivan and General Zaroff are of what nationality? The Most Dangerous Game is a short story written by Richard Connell. the general sucked in his breath and smiled. there's quicksand there. Get an answer to your question Which lines of text from The Most Dangerous Game support the claim that Rainsford is offended by the idea of hunting men? Which revision of the first sentence best incorporates the literary term mood? will do anything to track down . supports his idea that Zaroffs physical appearance mirrors his evil General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder." This excerpt supports the idea that Rainsford has 1) learned to identify with the animals he hunts. rainsford did not smile. "get ready, general zaroff." he felt they were the only animal that could provide a challenge for his superior hunting skills. which detail from the excerpt best supports his idea that rainsford experiences the fear of a hunted animal while in the jungle? Turning to the giant in uniform, the general made a sign. screamed the general. The theme of "The Most Dangerous Game" is civilization versus savagery. He was a tall man past middle age, for his hair was a vivid white; but his thick eyebrows and pointed military mustache were as black as the night from which Rainsford had come.